Top 10 Items to Always Carry in a First Aid Kit

Everybody has some type of First Aid Kit. It can be an old biscuit tin, or a bag, stuffed with half used ointments, messy bandages, and band-aids that does not stick anymore. Mostly, you forget about it, until that moment you need it, and it does not contain the item you need.
Emergencies do happen, but more frequently we use the emergency kit items for other things. The eye patches have gone to school when last time there was a dress-up like pirates and the safety pins always come in handy for clothing emergencies or to stick on a dolls’ nappy.
We always think about doing something about all the expired ointments, messy swabs and bandages, and all the other stuff that landed in the first aid kit, but then never get around to actually doing it.
Stock your first aid kit with the following:
- Sterile gauze.
- Hypoallergenic, adhesive tape
- Adhesive bandages
- Triangular bandages (elastic)
- Roller bandages (crepe)
- Sterile dressings and sterile eye dressings
- Sterile cotton swabs
- Antiseptic wipes
- Eye pads and bandages
- Assorted Plasters (in different shapes and sizes)
This is only the cleaning and patching items. You must include tweezers, safety pins, sharp scissors, thermometer, gloves, torch and spare batteries. You can also include pain medication, rehydration sachets, antibiotic cream and all prescription medication that you may need.
Handy extras will be baby wipes, great for cleaning dirty hands or a muddy scrape, a small towel, blister pads, water bottle with a nozzle, temporary filling for damaged tooth, nasal spray that help stop nosebleeds, garbage bag, and resealable bags. Also, include a fun pack for kiddies; it can include stickers, bubbles, and playful bandages.
Stock your first aid kits with these items and place one in each of your cars and stock one for your home too. Be sure to also include your family’s important information like allergies, health conditions and special medications, medical insurance info, birth dates, etc.
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